Vol. 46 No. 178 (2022)
Issue Description

Reproducción de la portada del volumen 1, número 1, de la Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, publicada en diciembre de 1936.
Título: Frontispicio de Le sorti di Francesco Marcolini da Forli intitolato Giardino di Pensieri (Jardín de pensamientos)
Autor: Giuseppe Salviati (Giuseppe Porta, llamado “Il Salviati”), nacido en Castelnuovo di Garfagnana c.1520 y fallecido en Venecia c. 1575. Fecha: 1540.Dimensiones: 24.3 × 19.8 cm
Fuente: The Metropolitan Museum (The MET) New York, Autorizada su reproducción el 19 de diciembre de 2016 • Fondo: Rogers (1918) • Signatura: 18.17.3-120

URL: https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/366854

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Biomedical Sciences

Yosselyn Lozano-Ocaña, Irvin Tubón-Usca, Gabriela Vaca-Altamirano, Gabriela Tubón-Usca
Methods for obtaining and applying magnetic nanoparticles in cancer diagnosis and treatment: A review
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John M. Gonzalez, Juan Carlos Santos-Barbosa, Catherine Jaller, Germán Otalora, Luis J. Hernández, Marcela Guevara-Suárez, Silvia Restrepo
Seroreactivity to SARS-CoV-2 in individuals attending a university campus in Bogotá, Colombia
Viktor V. Lemeshko
Possible new mitochondrial mechanism of vitamin C anticancer activity

Physical Sciences

Alejandro Molina, Sebastián López, Jorge Martín Molina-Escobar, Henry Copete, David Soto, Linda Jaramillo, Astrid Blandón
Towards the creation of a research and education structure for the prevention of accidents due to fires and explosions in Colombia
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John Fredy Barrera-Ramírez
Information encryption using optical processing
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Natural Sciences

Yennifer García-M, J. Orlando Rangel-Ch, Alexis Jaramillo-J
Environmental changes during the last 1800 years in the Neguanje mangrove, Tayrona National Natural Park, Colombian Caribbean
Victor Danilo Palacios-Mayoral, Leison Palacios-Mosquera, Jonard David Echavarría-Rentería, Alex Mauricio Jimenez-Ortega, Hugo Mantilla-Meluk
Confirmed presence of the Chiriqui brown bat, Eptesicus chiriquinus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in the department of Choco, Colombia
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Juan Manuel López-Vásquez, Jairo Castaño-Zapata
Assessment of the level of adjustment of three epidemiological models in the analysis of epidemics with incidences less than 100% such as the lethal wilt of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.)
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Lorena Urbano, Yamid Arley Mera-Velasco, Jovanna Vanessa Ramos-Angulo
Characterization of drosophilides in the urban area of the city of Popayán (Cauca), Colombia
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Carlos Blanco Cervantes, German Blanco-Cervantes
Structure and composition of the ichthyofauna present in the lower section of the Cordoba River, Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta (SNSM), Colombian Caribbean
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Kristinne Lilleth Echávez Plata, Irma Quintero-Pertuz, Eduino Carbonó-Delahoz
Analysis of the risk of invasion of exotic weeds associated with banana crops in the department of Magdalena, Colombia
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Edier Alberto Soto
New records and a key for species of Synarthonia (lichenized scomycota: Arthoniaceae) in Colombia
Clara Inés Giraldo Aristizábal, Yamid Arley Mera Velasco, Sandra Carlina Rivas Zúñiga, Darly Gabriela Muñoz Lara, Lina María Acosta Hílamo, Nathaly Pérez Muñoz, Juan Carlos Villalba Malaver, Alex Enrique Ordoñez Hoyos
Phytosanitary evaluation of Juglans neotropica and Quercus humboldtii in an urban woodland of Popayán-Cauca, Colombia
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Diana Ochoa Balbacea, Sergio Gonzales, Antony Apeño, Héctor Aponte
Priority habitats of a Pacific coastal wetland: Proposal for an index based on ecosystem services
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Zuleyma Mosquera Murillo, Lidis María Martínez Cuesta
Spatial variation of the periphyton algae community in streams of the San Juan River basin, Chocó-Colombia
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Melizza Julieth Tobias Loaiza, Cristian Guzmán Soto
Structural variation of families of aquatic macroinvertebrates and their relationship with the quality of water in streams associated with coffee crops and beef cattle in La Tagua, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
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Fernanda Viana-Diniz, Maria Francineide Ribeiro-Gomes, Atilon Vasconcelos de-Araújo, Leila Priscila-Peters, Clarice Maia-Carvalho
Diversity and antibacterial activity of endophytic fungi of the Amazonian medicinal plant sucuba [Himatanthus sucuuba (Spruce ex Müll. Arg.) Woodson]

Chemical Sciences

Estefanía Arredondo-Ferrer, Robison Buitrago-Sierra, Diana López
Hierarchical carbonaceous materials derived from spent coffee grounds for application in supercapacitors
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In Memoriam

Luis Fernando García
Ángela Restrepo Moreno
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