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The image presents a visual composition of microphotographs and a physical sample highlighting the anatomical features of non-mineralized fossil wood under different magnifications. Images (a-h) illustrate anatomical details such as vessels, rays, fibers, parenchyma, pits, and perforation plates, observed in transverse, tangential, and radial sections. Wood anatomical features of the mummified wood. a. Transverse section (TS). Diffuse porous wood. b. TS. Vessels in radial multiples (arrow) and axial parenchyma apotracheal diffuse, and axial parenchyma in narrow bands up to five cells wide. c. Longitudinal tangential section (LTS). Vessel elements, simple perforation plates (black arrow), and tyloses (white arrow) d. Alternate intervessel pitting. e. LTS. Tyloses (black arrow), septate fibers (white arrow), uniseriate rays and biseriate rays. f. LTS. Non-septate fibers (white arrow), parenchyma strands (black arrow) and uniseriate rays. g. LRS. Heterogeneous with procumbent body cells and usually one marginal row. h. vessel-ray parenchyma pitting with reduced borders, horizontally elongate and similar to intervascular pits (arrow). i. fossilized wood.
Carlos Alberto Jaramillo, Ph. D.
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panamá
Editor asociado Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias,
Exactas, Físicas y Naturales
Pérez-Lara, DK., Martínez, C., Pizano, C., Jaramillo, C., Vásquez, V. (2024). A Late Holocene Lecythidaceae wood record from Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, 48(189), 922-935. doi: