Vol. 48 No. 186 (2024)
Issue Description

Epidendrum chloronanum flower Hágsater & A. Cisneros.
Cuellar J, Gómez N, Trujillo-Trujillo E, Perdomo O. Epidendrum chloronanum (Orchidaceae): first record for the flora of Colombia.Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. 2024.doi: https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.2193

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Behavioral Sciences

Yaneth Muñoz-Saba, Edmon Castell-Ginovart, Hugo Díez-Santaolalla, Eduardo Alexander Sarmiento-Téllez, Simón Ulloa-Rengifo, María Alejandra Perdomo-Gaitán, Joan Sebastián Joya-Mesa, María Fernanda Bustos-Hernández, Marie Jöelle Giraud-López, Ángel M. Sánchez
Collective imaginaries and human-feral animal conflict in the Páramo del Almorzadero (Santander, Colombia)
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Natural Sciences

José Luis Fernández-Alonso
Four new species of Quararibea “grandifolia group” (Malvaceae) from Colombia and Ecuador
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Aracely del Carmen García-Cuan, Ricardo Gutiérrez-De Aguas, Daniel R. Molina-Velasco, Carlos Silvera-Redondo
Obtention and structural characterization of β-D-glucan from the edible mushroom Pleurotus pulmonarius
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Edgardo Londoño-Cruz, María Fernanda Cardona-Gutiérrez, Mario H. Londoño-Mesa
First Record of Parasphaerosyllis malimalii (Polychaeta: Syllidae) from Gorgona Island (Colombian Pacific)
Javier Cuellar, Nilmar Gómez, Edwin Trujillo-Trujillo, Oscar Perdomo
Epidendrum chloronanum (Orchidaceae): first record for the flora of Colombia
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Tatiana Estefania Lozano Suarez, Edison D. Bonilla-Liberato, Edwin O. López-Delgado
How has the illegal wildlife trade evolved in Tolima? Multitemporal analysis of a threat to biodiversity
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Luis F. García, Gabriel Merizalde
The effect of the major histocompatibility complex on olfaction and sexual selection in birds
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Bibliographic commentary

John M. González
Prologue Rojas Immunology, 19th Edition
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In Memoriam

José Fernando Isaza Delgado, Diógenes Campos Romero
Vida y trayectoria profesional de Jaime Ignacio Lesmes Camacho
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Moises Wasserman
Gabriel Toro González
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