Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales

Current Issue

Vol. 48 No. 189 (2024)
Published December 13, 2024
Issue Description

The image presents a visual composition of microphotographs and a physical sample highlighting the anatomical features of non-mineralized fossil wood under different magnifications. Images (a-h) illustrate anatomical details such as vessels, rays, fibers, parenchyma, pits, and perforation plates, observed in transverse, tangential, and radial sections. Wood anatomical features of the mummified wood. a. Transverse section (TS). Diffuse porous wood. b. TS. Vessels in radial multiples (arrow) and axial parenchyma apotracheal diffuse, and axial parenchyma in narrow bands up to five cells wide. c. Longitudinal tangential section (LTS). Vessel elements, simple perforation plates (black arrow), and tyloses (white arrow) d. Alternate intervessel pitting. e. LTS. Tyloses (black arrow), septate fibers (white arrow), uniseriate rays and biseriate rays. f. LTS. Non-septate fibers (white arrow), parenchyma strands (black arrow) and uniseriate rays. g. LRS. Heterogeneous with procumbent body cells and usually one marginal row. h. vessel-ray parenchyma pitting with reduced borders, horizontally elongate and similar to intervascular pits (arrow). i. fossilized wood.

Carlos Alberto Jaramillo, Ph. D.
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panamá
Editor asociado Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias,
Exactas, Físicas y Naturales

Pérez-Lara, DK., Martínez, C., Pizano, C., Jaramillo, C., Vásquez, V. (2024). A Late Holocene Lecythidaceae wood record from Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales, 48(189), 922-935. doi:

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Behavioral Sciences

Felipe Cárdenas-Arroyo, Víctor González-Fernández, Alejandro Bernal-Vélez, Daniel Alejandro Gómez, Natalia Acevedo Gómez
First early archaeological dates in the Sierra of Nariño (Colombia): Human settlements and activity of the Galeras volcano
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Physical Sciences

Ibrahim Torres Mahmud, Nicolás Piragua-Ortiz, Eliana M. Vargas-Pineda, David A. Landínez Téllez, Jairo Roa-Rojas
Effect of granularity on the superconducting parameters of the YBa2Cu3O7−δ superconducting material
Jonathan Romero-Atencio, Andrea Carolina Ramos-Hernández, Mario Alberto Romero-Colange, Jean Christian Guy-Bernede, Linda Cattin Guenadez, Guy Louarn, Gean Carlos Arteaga-Arroyo
Development and evaluation of nanostructured organic photovoltaic cells
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Román Eduardo Castañeda-Sepúlveda, Camilo Hurtado
Quantum operator for non-paraxial single photon interference

Natural Sciences

J. Gregorio Portilla
Determination of the underlying orbital parameters in Abraham Zacuto’s solar ephemerides
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Salomón M. Ramírez-Jaramillo
Notes on the population ecology of Pholidobolus montium (Sauria: Gymnophthalmidae) in a locality of Mulaló, Ecuador
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J Orlando Rangel-Ch, Jairo H. Pinto-Z, James L. Luteyn
The vegetation of the páramos of Chilí and Nevado del Quindío (Colombia)
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Diego Rincón-Murillo, Diego Simijaca, Héctor Esquivel, Robert Lücking, Bibiana Moncada
Diversity and phorophyte preferences of lichens in the Cerro Machín volcano cloud forest (Tolima, Colombia)
Samuel Valdés-Díaz, Humberto Garcés B., Francisco Barahona, Indra Candanedo
Condition of the Ageneiosus pardalis (Siluriformes: Auchenipteridae) population in the Tuira River, Panama
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William Armando Tapie, Sandra Lucía Posada-Ochoa, Jaime Ricardo Rosero-Noguera, Rafael Muñoz-Tamayo
Development of a mechanistic dynamic model to predict the growth of male Perú genotype guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus)
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Esperanza Ruiz-Marín, Alejandro Peña, Sabina Alejandra Hernández-Abril, Lina María Pachón-Blanco, Orlando Vargas-Ríos, Nelly Rodriguez-Eraso
Scenarios and alternatives for ecological restoration in degraded Andean landscapes: the case of the upper basin of the Bogotá River (Suesca, Cundinamarca)
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Valentina Ramos-Mosquera, Edwin O. López-Delgado
Multi-temporal analysis in observation frequency of Phimosus infuscatus (Threskiornithidae) in Colombia
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José Luis Fernández-Alonso, Ernesto Campos-Pineda
Malvaceae neotropicae novae vel minus cognitae XII. New species of Matisia from Colombia and Panamá
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Diana Karen Pérez Lara, Camila Martínez, Camila Pizano, Carlos Jaramillo, Víctor Vásquez
A Late Holocene Lecythidaceae wood record from Valle del Cauca, Colombia

Journal Club

Maria Mercedes Zambrano
Exploring microbial dark matter
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John M. González
The persistence of memory
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