Expansion of the geographical range of terrestrial isopods(Oniscidea) for the Colombian Caribbean and first record of Nagurus nanus (Trachelipodidae) for Colombia.
doi: https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.2630
Photographs on the cover correspond to four of the 17 species of terrestrial isopods or woodlice that are recorded for the Colombian Caribbean region, belonging to 10 families of the Oniscidea suborder: A) Nagurus nanus, B) Trichorhina bermudezae, C) Ctenorillo dazai, D) Ctenorillo tuberosus.
Nagurus nanus (Trachelipodidae) is recorded for the first time for Colombia, and Rhyscotoides parallelus (Rhyscotidae) for the first time for the Colombian Caribbean region. Data on the natural history, global and local distribution of each species are provided.
Photographs by por Agustín Bravo y Carlos Mario López
Juan Manuel Díaz M., Dr. rer. nat.
Departamento de Geografía, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Fundación MarViva
Miembro correspondiente Academia Colombiana de Ciencias
Exactas, Físicas y Naturales
Editor Asociado Revista de la Academia