Vol. 44 No. 171 (2020): Limnología

About the cover


Representation of an aquatic ecosystem and his principal biotics components

Aquatic plant

Typha (Enea o totora)
Gabriel Roldán, Laboratorio de Limnología, Grupo de Investigación en Limnología y Recursos Hídricos, Universidad Católica de Oriente, Rionegro, Antioquia, Colombia.  

Micrasterias radiosa: Desmidiaceae
Nelson Aranguren, Unidad de Ecología y Sistemas Acuáticos, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, Tunja, Colombia.

Daphnia obtusa: Daphniidae
juan Pablo Álvarez, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.

Smicridea sp.: Hydropsychidae
Felipe Ortega y María del Carmen Zúñiga, Laboratorio de Imágenes, Programa de Postgrado en Biología, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.

Herring fish 
Triportheus magdalenae
Juan Guillermo Ospina, Laboratorio de Limnología, Grupo de Investigación en Limnología y Recursos Hídricos, Universidad Católica de Oriente, Rionegro, Antioquia, Colombia.

Laguna de Fúquene, departamentos de Cundinamarca y Boyacá, Johanna Morales.


Gabriel Roldán Pérez
Limnology in Colombia
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Natural Sciences

Gabriel Roldán
Historical review of limnology in Colombia
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Carlos Augusto Benjumea Hoyos, Andrea Villada, Juan David Castaño
Thermal structure evolution and morphometric characteristics of a tropical mountain wetland
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Silvia Lucía Villabona González, Carlos A. Benjumea-Hoyos, Jaime Andrés Gutiérrez-Monsalve, Mónica Tatiana López-Muñoz, Ernesto José González
Main physicochemical and biological variables in the trophic state of five Colombian Andean reservoirs
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Arlex Marín-Ramírez, Andrés Gómez-Giraldo, Ricardo Román-Botero
Seasonal variability of advective and atmospheric heat fluxes and mean temperature in a tropical Andean reservoir
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Samia Salomón, Carlos A. Rivera-Rondón, Ángela María Zapata
Cyanobacterial blooms in Colombia: State of knowledge and research needs in the context of climate global change
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Esnedy Hernández, Néstor Aguirre, Karen Palacio, Jaime Palacio, John Jairo Ramírez, Santiago R. Duque, Martha Mogollón, Carla Kruk
Classification of morphofunctional phytoplankton groups in six lentic systems of the Caribbean, Andean, and Amazonian regions of Colombia
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July Andrea Barrera-Herrera, Nelson Aranguren-Riaño, Yuli Marcela Páez-Ruíz, Leana Baneza Molina-Pacheco, Adriana Pedroza-Ramos, Carlos Alejandro Díaz-Ballesteros
Incidence of hydraulic retention time in the plankton of the La Chapa reservoir (Santana, Boyacá), Colombia
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Isabel Cristina Gil-Guarín, Silvia Lucía Villabona-González, Edison Parra-García, Ricardo O. Echenique
Environmental factors driving phytoplankton biomass and diversity in a tropical reservoir
Donovan Godoy -Lozada, Marlon Pelaez-Rodriguez
Diversity and distribution of the phytoperiphytic community present in an Andean Amazonian river and its relationship with environmental variables
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Tito Bacca, Jhon Faber Marulanda, Lucimar G. Dias
First record of Vacupernius packeri (Allen) (Ephemeroptera: Leptohyphidae) from Colombia and South America with additional notes on egg morphology
Carlos Váquiro Capera
Estadios ninfales de Anacroneuria spp. (Plecoptera: Perlidae) y su relación con variables fisicoquímicas en tres microcuencas del río Combeima (Ibagué, Colombia).
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Edison Jahir Duarte Ramos, Gladys Reinoso-Flórez
Composition and structure of larvae stage of the Trichoptera order (Arthropoda: Insecta) of the Las Perlas stream, Ibagué - Colombia
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Jesús Manuel Vásquez-Ramos, Diana Paola Osorio-Ramírez, Clara Inés Caro-Caro
First record of the larvae Byrsopteryx Flint, 1981 (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) in Colombia
Jorge D. Oliveros-Villanueva, Cesar E. Tamaris-Turizo, Daniel J. Serna-Macias
Trichoptera larvae in an altitudinal gradient in a Neotropical river
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Diana Carolina Hoyos Jaramillo, Lucimar Dias
Taxonomic contribution to the Chironominae subfamily in Caldas: new records, taxonomic keys, and diagnosis
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Marcela González-Córdoba, María del Carmen Zúñiga, Verónica Manzo
The Elmidae family (Insecta: Coleoptera: Byrrhoidea) in Colombia: Taxonomic richness and distribution
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Jenny Alejandra Ruiz-Jiménez, Marisol Beltrán Gutiérrez, María Isabel Criales-Hernández
First record of Cytheridella ilosvayi Daday, 1905 (Ostracoda: Limnocytheridae) in the Ciénaga San Silvestre, Colombia
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Juan Guillermo Orrego-Meza, Isabel Cristina Hernández-Cortés, Jhon Faber Marulanda-López, Juan Mateo Rivera-Pérez, Juan Pablo Viteri-Delgado, Mariana Franco-Torres, Camilo Andrés Llano-Arias, Lucimar Gomes Dias
Diversity of aquatic macroinvertebrates in the National Natural Park Selva de Florencia, Colombia
Angela Liceth González-Tuta, Luz Nidia Gil-Padilla
Composition of macroinvertebrates in the provinces of Márquez and Lengupá and the possible effect of orogenesis on their distribution
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Jeymmy Milena Walteros Rodríguez, Juan Mauricio Castaño Rojas
Composition and functional aspects of the aquatic macroinvertebrates present in a headwaters microbasin in the Andes of Risaralda, ColombiaTrophic structure in assemblages of aquatic macroinvertebrates in the Dalí microbasin
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Danae Salazar-Castellanos, Ana María Meza-Salazar, Giovany Guevara
Macroinvertebrate and leaf mass loss of Eucalyptus sp. and Tibouchina lepidota in an Andean headwater stream with mining influence (Manizales, Colombia)
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Angela Judith Motta-Díaz, Diego J. Vimos-Lojano
Influence of temporal variation of hydraulic parameters on the structure and function to the macroinvertebrate community in an Andean stream
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Daniela Salazar Suaza, Mario Alberto Quijano-Abril
Multi-temporal analysis and characterization of hydrophyte and helophyte vegetation of a belt of urban wetlands in the highlands of the Eastern region of Antioquia
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Maria Nelly Zapata-Londoño, Edna J. Márquez, Natalia Restrepo-Escobar, María Isabel Ríos-Pulgarín
Population structure and reproduction of five fish species in a Neotropical reservoir
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Lina Paola Giraldo, Julián Chará, Ana Marcela Chará-Serna, Yuly Paulina Ramírez
Restoration of riparian corridors in cattle ranching landscapes of the Colombian Andes: Early effects on the aquatic environment
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