Carbon storage on an ecosystem of the south American desert: The case of Lomas de Amancaes (Lima-Perú)
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Guerrero-Palomino, V. H. ., Malca-Rodríguez, D., & Aponte , H. . (2022). Carbon storage on an ecosystem of the south American desert: The case of Lomas de Amancaes (Lima-Perú). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 46(181), 971–984.


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Carbon capture is a fundamental process that regulates climate regulation and enables to counteract global warming. The study estimated the carbon stocks in Lomas de Amancaes, an ecosystem of the South American desert located in Lima (Peru). Soil (0 - 20 cm deep) and aerial plant biomass samples were taken, subsequently measuring the stored carbon in both compartments. The results indicate that the amount of stored carbon (CA) in this ecosystem is 8 593,97 tC (39,29 tC/ha); the CA was higher in the soil (37,85 tC/ha) than in the aerial biomass (1,44 tC/ha); when comparing the CA between altitudinal ranges (300 - 750 m.a.s.l), no significant differences were found (p>0.05). When compared with other ecosystems of the Peruvian coastal ecosystems is higher than that found in tillandsiales (3.6 tC/ha) but lower than many wetland plant communities (38.47 - 305.37 tC/ha). The CA of the study area resembles the reserves of several desert ecosystems in the world (the value ranges between 0.15-55.99 tC/ha in African deserts, Sahel transition zone, Negev desert, Chinese deserts, Mojave Desert, La Paz watershed and Los Planes basin), with some exceptions such as the temperate deserts of Central Asia, Acacia woodland savannah and Tunisia (CA = 40.40 - 159.20 tC/ha). These results represent one of the first estimates of carbon stocks in lomas of the South American Pacific desert and provide valuable data for their conservation.


Global warming | Carbon stock | Desert ecosystem | Fog oases (Lomas) | Plant biomass
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