Diversity, phorophyte specificity and microenvironmental preferences of corticolous lichens in a sub-Andean forest in the Centro region of Colombia
Portada 43 (169) 2019
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Zárate-Arias, S. ., Moreno-Palacios, M. ., & Torres-Benítez, A. (2019). Diversity, phorophyte specificity and microenvironmental preferences of corticolous lichens in a sub-Andean forest in the Centro region of Colombia. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 43(169), 737–745. https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.886


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Our study aimed at contributing to the knowledge of the composition and diversity, phorophyte specificity, and microenvironmental preferences of corticolous lichens from a forest in the sub-Andean Centro region of Colombia (Ibague-Tolima). We selected 25 individuals from five tree species. We estimated the coverage percentage of each species of lichen and identified the microsite parameters (bark pH and diameter at breast height, DBH), as well as the microclimatic variables (temperature, humidity, and radiation). We estimated the richness and the alpha diversity and we applied multivariate analysis to establish the phorophyte-lichen and lichen-environmental condition relationships. We recorded 21 species grouped in eight families and 14 genera. Arthoniaceae was the family with the greatest coverage and Physciaceae the one with the greatest richness. The most abundant species was Bacidia spp. Trichilia pallida phorophyte had the highest richness and diversity, while Cecropia angustifolia was the most dominant species of lichen. Except Leptogium hanum, which was found in two phorophytes, the other species preferred one single phorophyte. The pH, light intensity, temperature, and DAP were positively correlated to the establishment of lichens. We registered a significant diversity that opens the way to new research useful for preserving these strategic ecosystems of the Andean region in Colombia.



Lichens; phorophytes; microclimatic; microsite; diversity.
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