Propagation and seed conservation potential of Symplocos theiformis (L. f.) from Bogotá
Portada 43 (169) 2019
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Symplocaceae; native; conservation; dessication tolerance.

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Propagation and seed conservation potential of Symplocos theiformis (L. f.) from Bogotá. (2019). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 43(169), 653-660.


Eight species of the genus Symplocos have been recorded in Colombia including Symplocos theiformis, called by Mutis “té de Bogotá” due to its astringent and tonic qualities similar to tea and coffee. It has a high potential for use and has a restricted distribution in the rural areas of the Capital District, for which its propagation and conservation are very important. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the tolerance to desiccation and the existence of physiological dormancy in the seeds. For this, under controlled greenhouse conditions, the germination percentage and the average germination time were evaluated in scarified and fresh seeds with a humidity content of 10% and 5% and with gibberellic acid (AG3: 400 ppm). As a result, with all treatments, germination started in 97 days; the germination percentage for fresh seeds with 10% and 5% humidity contents and AG3 was 41.7%, 26.7%, 28.3%, and 18.3%; the average germination time was 213.8, 210.6, 194.1, and 211.5 days, respectively. Their daily growth rate was 0.12 mm/day, while the seedlings were 4.2 cm high after 183 days and 92.1% had survived after 363 days. There were no significant statistical differences between treatments in the germination percentage (p=0.2309) nor in the average germination time (p=0.4517). Although there was no difference between treatments, given the decrease in the germination power of the seeds, it can be said that they are recalcitrant to storage, their germination is slow and asynchronous over time, their sexual propagation is viable, and their long-term ex situ conservation is feasible in living collections, seedling banks or in vitro germplasm banks.

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