Phenotypic variability in the population of the invasive crab Charybdis hellerii (Milne-Edwards, 1867) (Decapoda: Portunidae) in the continental margin of the Colombian Caribbean
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Lozano-Mendoza, N. A., Merchán-Cepeda, A., & Campos-Campos, N. H. (2023). Phenotypic variability in the population of the invasive crab Charybdis hellerii (Milne-Edwards, 1867) (Decapoda: Portunidae) in the continental margin of the Colombian Caribbean. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 47(184), 604–618.


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Invasive species pose a global threat to ecosystems. However, organisms that establish themselves outside their native habitats have life-history strategies enabling successful colonization. Colombia has reported a significant number of invasive species, including crustaceans like the spiny hand crab, Charybdis hellerii. This species, originally from the Indo-Pacific, was introduced to the Colombian Caribbean coast from the Mediterranean Sea, likely via commercial vessels. Presently, it has been observed from the upper Guajira to the Gulf of Morrosquillo, demonstrating its ability to thrive in diverse Colombian Caribbean conditions. In this study, we assessed phenotypic variation using geometric morphometry by comparing and analyzing the shells of specimens collected from various locations in La Guajira, Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta, Santa Marta, Córdoba, and Sucre along the northeastern and southwestern Colombian Caribbean coast. Sexual dimorphism was not observed in the shell structure. However, statistical evidence (ANOVA; p<0.05; p=7.58x10-12) indicated phenotypic differences among the sampling sites. The largest specimens were found in La Guajira, primarily attributed to upwelling phenomena and the hydrographic characteristics of the area. Concerning shape, individuals from this coastal locality exhibited significant differences compared to those from other sampled sites. This study provides the initial overview of the invasive species' status in Colombian territory and highlights its adaptability due to phenotypic plasticity.


Invasive species | Charybdis hellerii | Geometric morphometrics | Colombian Caribbean | Crustacea
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