Noteworthy records of mammals from an isolated, threatened, and unprotected mountain range in the Huancabamba depression, northern Perú
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More, A., Sanchez, I. ., Piana, R. P., Vallejos, J., Appleton, R. D., & Vallejos, J. (2022). Noteworthy records of mammals from an isolated, threatened, and unprotected mountain range in the Huancabamba depression, northern Perú. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 46(179), 393–405.


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The Huancabamba depression is the lowest region of the Andes with significant biogeographic importance for the Andean biodiversity in southern Ecuador and northern Peru. Only a few mountains and ranges within this depression exceed the 3,000 masl and they are relatively isolated. Studies of mammals from this region are still scarce. Here, we report the most notable large and medium mammal species and also the preliminary richness of these taxa as recorded via camera traps (3,847 camera-days) and observations in the montane forests and jalcas located in Tucto and Gramalote, in the Kañaris-Pagaibamba mountain range, department of Cajamarca, northern Peru. We recorded 14 species of mammals, including two globally threatened species (Tapirus pinchaque and Tremarctos ornatus), one near threatened species (Cuniculus taczanowskii), and two with deficient data (Dasypus pilosus and Sylvilagus andinus). We report a range extension for the endemic D. pilosus, the highest documented record for Dasyprocta cf. fuliginosa and Potos flavus, and an altitudinal extension in Perú for Coendou rufescens recorded for the first time in the department of Cajamarca. Additionally, we found an important population of T. ornatus in the area and we present an updated estimation of the relative abundance of T. pinchaque at its southernmost global range. Our study shows that the Kañaris-Pagaibamba range constitutes a unique refuge for Andean mammals that is in urgent need of protection.


Montane forest | Jalca | Camera trap | Mammals | Conservation | Cajamarca | Perú
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