Confirmed presence of the Chiriqui brown bat, Eptesicus chiriquinus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in the department of Choco, Colombia
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Palacios-Mayoral, V. D., Palacios-Mosquera, L. ., Echavarría-Rentería, J. D., Jimenez-Ortega, A. M., & Mantilla-Meluk, H. . (2022). Confirmed presence of the Chiriqui brown bat, Eptesicus chiriquinus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in the department of Choco, Colombia. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 46(178), 108–117.


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Eptesicus is a genus of bats of the family Vespertilionidae with a wide worldwide distribution. Six species have been registered in Colombia, among which E. chiriquinus is one of the most widely distributed with registers in 13 departments. We confirm here its presence in the department of Chocó after the analysis of specimen CMCH 1285 ♂ collected in the village of Pacurita, Municipality of Quibdó, and deposited in the Chocó Theriological Collection. We also comment on the differences among Eptesicus species present in the department of Chocó based on external characters and we include an updated map of its distribution in the country.


Chocó | Biogeographyc Chocó | Geographical distribution | Eptesicus new records
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