Structure and diversity of fish communities along a longitudinal gradient in coastal rivers of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
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Ospina, J. S., López-Delgado, E. O., & Villa-Navarro, F. A. (2023). Structure and diversity of fish communities along a longitudinal gradient in coastal rivers of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 47(184), 556–570.


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In the ecology of fish communities, one of the main challenges has been to understand the longitudinal changes in the structure and diversity of assemblages in lotic ecosystems and to establish if these can be influenced by both abiotic and biotic factors. In this context, we proposed to determine the structure and diversity of fish assemblages in a longitudinal gradient and their relationship with some characteristics of the habitat and plant cover in coastal rivers of Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (SNSM). We analyzed 13 stations distributed along seven coastal rivers of the SNSM. Fish were collected using electrofishing equipment on a 100 m-long longitudinal transect and blockages with a trawl net (5m x 1.5m). The structure and the composition were assessed by non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) using the Jaccard index and distribution-abundance models. We used Hill numbers to assess diversity and redundancy analysis (RDA) for the relation between environmental variables and assemblages. NMDS and Hill numbers showed that the assemblages were structured according to the distance to the river mouth in four groups, three of them following the Zipf model and one, the niche preemption. The RDA found that the longitudinal pattern observed was explained by substrate type and plant cover. Hence, the fish assemblages seem to follow a longitudinal gradient, which may have important implications for conservation.


Coastal rivers | Assemblages | Diversity | Community ecology
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