The Scalar Field Model of Dark Energy in the Framework of the Holographic Principle
Portada 44 (170) 2020

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Granda , L. N. (2020). The Scalar Field Model of Dark Energy in the Framework of the Holographic Principle. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 44(170), 133–141.


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We study cosmological solutions for a scalar field minimally coupled to the curvature, in the framework of holographic dark energy. Phantom solutions can be obtained without introducing ghosts’ degrees of freedom, and the autonomous system contains stable accelerated expansion solutions and de Sitter attractors. For the non-minimally coupled scalar field the special case of the conformal coupling is analyzed, and it is shown that dynamically evolving scalar field produces the effect of the cosmological constant.


Dark Energy; Holographic Principle; Scalar Field


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