Spatial and temporal dynamics of the interaction of Ascomorphella volvocicola and Volvox in Riogrande II reservoir in Antioquia, first report for Colombia
Portada 43 (169) 2019
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Estrada - Posada, A. L., & Agudelo - Acevedo, E. Y. (2019). Spatial and temporal dynamics of the interaction of Ascomorphella volvocicola and Volvox in Riogrande II reservoir in Antioquia, first report for Colombia. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 43(169), 661–672.


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We studied the spatial and temporal variations of Ascomorphella volvocicola and Volvox densities in Riogrande II reservoir by collecting samples every 10 days for 12 months at three sites located on the longitudinal axis of the Chico River. We also estimated the percentage of membrane damage caused by the rotifer and the percentage of infection in the algae colonies. The verification of the research hypothesis indicated that the rotifer (A. volvocicola) is an obligate endoparasite that develops its life cycle within the host algae (Volvox), whose population dynamics is determined by spatial and temporal changes of the host and at no time by the environmental conditions of the reservoir. In contrast, the variations in the density of the colonial algae were not determined by the parasite or by the nutrients or other environmental variables evaluated possibly due to the migration capacity of Volvox in the water column, which allows it to choose the most convenient environments. We concluded that only Volvox determines the appearance and dynamics of A. volvocicola, but this does not influence the dynamics of Volvox, as this endoparasite rotifer failed to decimate Volvox populations in the hydrological cycle evaluated. We also concluded that there is a one-way dependency relationship such that A. volvocicola will only be present if there are Volvox colonies.


Rotifera; parasitism; reservoir; vertical migration; Volvocales.
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