One of the most limiting diseases of soybean crop is caused by Phytophthora sojae, a soil pathogen that causes stem and root rot resulting in important economic losses for producers. In the Colombian Orinoquia, the pathogen has been favored by the intrinsic soil properties such as low pH and drainage impediments, as well as the introduction of highly susceptible varieties, direct sowing and highly favorable environmental conditions for the development of the disease. Eighteen soybean cultivars were evaluated for their reaction to the infection with local P. sojae isolates as the disease is managed by using tolerant and/or resistant varieties. Pathogenicity tests on soybean materials from the Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation (Agrosavia) indicated potential sources of resistance in the variety Corpoica La Libertad 4, which showed a moderate specific resistance to the virulence of the inoculated isolates. The Elite Line 105, developed in 2016 by Agrosavia, the varieties Corpoica Orinoquia 3, Superior 6 and the introduced variety BRS_Corisco, were highly susceptible to P. sojae. © 2018. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat.References
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