The allelopathic effects are a tool for the control of viable arvenses in the agro ecosystems, these natural reactions have multiple effects that go from the inhibition or stimulation of the neighbour plants growth until the inhibition of the seeds germination. In this work, the allelopathic activity of crude extracts of Copaifera pubiflora (Benth) on the germination of Mimosa pudica (Lineo) was evaluated to generate new potential control methods of M. pudica, and knowledge of endemic species of the Orinoco, as C. pubiflora and their potential uses. Ethanolic, hexane and aqueous extracts 7.5 and 2% wv of leaves and bark of C. pubiflora were used. A multi-factor categorical design and preliminary identification tests of secondary metabolites were performed. The results showed that ethanolic and aqueous extracts of bark and leaves have allelopathic activity on the germination of M. pudica. In addition, preliminary tests of secondary metabolites determined the possible presence of some family compounds which are recognized by their allelopathic activity. © 2016. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat. All rights reserved.References
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