Illegal wildlife trade is a problem that has been underestimated and, thus, facilitated its persistence preventing the adoption of conservation actions to protect taxonomic groups such as mammals, which is a significant challenge given their considerable diversity in Colombia. Additionally, the lack of knowledge about the species and areas of the country most affected aggravates the situation. In this context, it is essential to understand the dynamics of illegal mammal trafficking, especially those taxonomic groups subject to the greatest pressure, and how it varies at a spatial level by using diversity analyses of the seizure records kept by Colombian environmental corporations and entities. From 2018 to 2022, the authorities seized 1,584 individuals from 79 species distributed in 11 orders and 29 families. Primates and rodents were the most confiscated orders. We identified critical points of illegal trafficking in certain regions and departments of the country, with the departments in the Andean region recording the greatest diversity of trafficked species. The data revealed underestimates in seizure records, suggesting that an even greater number of mammals are affected. We found errors in the way the information is classified and reported, pointing to the need for coordinated actions to minimize them and establish more effective control measures to reduce the impact of illegal trafficking on wild populations of mammals in the country.
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