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Osorio, J. C., López-Rendón, J. E., & Hermelin, M. (2023). SOLUTE BUDGET IN THE UPPER MEDELLIN RIVER CATCHMENT, CORDILLERA CENTRAL (ANTIOQUIA COLOMBIA). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 27(102), 71–84.


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The solute budget in the upper Medellín – Porce river catchment (Colombia) was obtained through chemical and physical water analyses (rainfall and runoff). Samples were taken every two weeks between 04/07/00 and 16/02/01. Balance was carried out for the dissolved ion concentrations in surface waters averaging rainy and dry seasons values. We estimated that runoff contributes with 88% of the principal dissolved solids that flow out of the catchment (H CO , SiO , Ca+2, Na+, Mg+2,K+); Relative mobility is Ca > Mg > SiO > Na > K. The percentage of dissolved Mg in the Medellín River duplicated the world average for rivers draining plutonic and metamorphic rocks. A chemical weathering rate estimate of ~138 kg/ha/yr was derived for the SiO budget and of ~48 kg/ha/yr for the sum of major dissolved cations.


Solute budget | rainfall | runoff | dissolved solids | relative mobility | weathering | high mountain
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