Mammals of the Department of Quindío, Colombia. II. Diversity patterns and annotated checklisty patterns and annotated checklist
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Mantilla-Meluk, H., Vásquez-Palacios , S. ., Vargas-Arboleda, A. F. ., Sánchez-Alzate, L. J. ., O. Montilla , S. ., Botero-Botero , Álvaro ., … Cuadrado-Ríos , S. . (2023). Mammals of the Department of Quindío, Colombia. II. Diversity patterns and annotated checklisty patterns and annotated checklist . Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 47(184), 541–555.


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The department of Quindío accounts for less than 1% of the continental Colombian territory. It is located in the core of the Central Andes, identified as a global hot spot of biodiversity, and it is part of the Coffee Cultural Landscape declared as a human heritage by UNESCO. Despite this high diversity, the efforts to compile information on mammalian diversity in the department are still limited. Here we present the first analyses on i) the mammalian sampling effort in Quindío; ii) the alpha, beta, and phylogenetic diversity for this group of vertebrates, and iii) a revision of the conservation status of the mammal species in the Department. We include a list of 120 mammalian species distributed in 12 orders, 30 families, and 75 genera, all supported by museological scientific evidence, which makes Quindío the department with the highest mammalian diversity per unit of area in Colombia and one of the most diverse first-order administrative units (states, departments, provinces) in terms of mammals at the global level.


Andes | Coffee Region | Distribution | Diversity | Mastofauna | Richness
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