Nine new species of the genus Sticta (Ascomycota liquenizados: Lobariaceae) of the fuliginosa sensu lato morphodeme from Colombia
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Moncada, B., Suárez, A., & Lüecking, R. (2015). Nine new species of the genus Sticta (Ascomycota liquenizados: Lobariaceae) of the fuliginosa sensu lato morphodeme from Colombia. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 39(150), 50–66.


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As part of a taxonomic and systematic revision of the genus Sticta in Colombia, nine species corresponding to the Sticta fuliginosa morphodeme are described as new: Sticta arbusculotomentosa Moncada & Suárez sp nov., Sticta gallowayana Moncada & Lücking sp. nov., Sticta globulifuliginosa Moncada & Lücking sp. nov., Sticta hirsutofuliginosa Moncada & Lücking sp nov., Sticta jaguirreana Moncada & Lücking sp. nov., Sticta macrofuliginosa Moncada & Lücking sp. nov., Sticta minutula Moncada & Lücking sp. nov., Sticta phyllidiofuliginosa Moncada & Lücking sp. nov., and Sticta plumbeociliata Moncada & Lücking sp. nov. All species are discussed and illustrated. A key to the species of the S. fuliginosa morphodeme in Colombia is provided. © 2015. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat. All rights reserved.
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