The prehispanic ridged field system in the Gulf of Urabá, northwestern Colombia. An archaeological and geographical preliminary report
Portada 43 (169) 2019
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Urabá Gulf; archaeology; prehispanic ridges.

How to Cite

The prehispanic ridged field system in the Gulf of Urabá, northwestern Colombia. An archaeological and geographical preliminary report. (2019). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 43(169), 628-637.


The ridged field systems built on land during the prehispanic periods were some of the most common geomorphic alterations for floods control and agricultural production in different regions of the Americas. In Colombia, although the findings associated with the Sinú and San Jorge Rivers have been studied for several decades, new structures located in the Gulf of Urabá had remained ignored by the scientific community. This paper makes a preliminary description of these findings focusing on their morphometry and spatial patterns, as well as their contextualization in the Urabá archaeology and the geography near to the León River basin. Based on descriptions and previous research, some preliminary hypotheses are proposed, which highlight the potential linkage between these studies and the current dynamics of the Urabá region.

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