Soil CO2 flux under different land-cover types in the Reserva Forestal Protectora Bosque Oriental of Bogotá
Portada 43 (167) 2019
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Soil CO2 flux under different land-cover types in the Reserva Forestal Protectora Bosque Oriental of Bogotá. (2019). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 43(167), 234-240.


The soil CO2 efflux contributes to greenhouse gases and varies according to topography, soil quality, vegetation characteristics, and land use, among others. The aim of this study was to estimate CO2 efflux variation from soils under three land-cover types located in Bogotá’s Reserva Forestal Protectora Bosque Oriental and its relationship with climate and edaphic factors. For each cover, three sampling areas were selected and measurements were made in May, July, and September 2018. Soil CO2 efflux was higher in eucalyptus plantations and lower in the páramo grasslands. The highest soil CO2 efflux occurred in the rainy season (May) and the lowest in the drier season (September). A positive relationship was found between soil CO2 efflux and environmental temperature, soil temperature, and elevation. The results suggest that differences in land cover and temperature are drivers of soil respiration and soil CO2 effluxes in the study area. © 2019. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat.

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