Bioeconomy: A sustainable future
Portada 42 (164) 2018
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How to Cite

Bioeconomy: A sustainable future. (2018). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 42(164), 188-201.


Conventional fossil fuel-based development models and intensive human activity have caused severe impacts on the environment. As a result, the world faces a series of major environmental, economic and social challenges that must be addressed if future welfare for all is to be guaranteed. Renewed initiatives are necessary to face the progressive climate change and the vulnerability of some regions, biodiversity reduction, food and nutritional security, depletion of water and soil resources, as well as social inequities. It is clear that continuing with the same development model is not an option, and that it is essential to adjust the economic and social patterns in order to comply with the United Nations Sustainable Development Objectives (SDOs). This document presents the bioeconomy model as a comprehensive development proposal with environmental, social and economic sustainability. What makes this new economic model different is the incorporation of knowledge for the definition of new alternatives and productive paths, fostering the production and the intensive use of knowledge related to biological resources, processes and principles, and the sustainable supply of goods and services in all economic sectors thus migrating from the unsustainable oil- based economy to the biomass economy. In order to be successful, the adoption of this model requires decisive political determination as well as strong commitment from the scientists and all members of society. © 2018. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat.
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