It was evaluated the effect of the inductors of resistance: salicylic acid, Acibenzolar-S-methyl, 2, 6-dicloroisonicotinic acid, 3-butanoic acid and potassium phosphite, as well as the fungicides Propiconazole and Clorothalonil in seedlings of Dominico-Hartón against Mycosphaerella fijiensis and M. musicola. The experiment consisted of eight treatments and twenty replications per treatment in a completely randomized design. The treatments were applied to the soil at 30, 60 and 75 days after sowing. It was evaluated: seedlings height (cm), index of severity (%), grade of evolution of the sigatokas and rate of disease development (r). Potassium phosphite was the best treatment because the seedlings had a height of 36.6 cm compared to the control which recorded 29 cm, two days of symptoms appearance delay, lower rate of disease development (r = 0.04) and lower values of grade of evolution of symptoms and severity index, which were 1.4 and 6.23%, respectively, while the control showed r = 0.05, 3.4 and 33.02%, respectively. Potassium phosphite was not statistically different from Propiconazole. Except the salicylic and 2,6-dicloroisonicotinic acids, the other inductors of resistance demonstrated that the control of the sigatokas, was the result of the activation of the defense mechanisms of the plants.
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