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A CLADISTIC ANALYSIS OF CENTRONIA (MERIANIEAE / MELASTOMATACEAE) BASED ON MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS. (2023). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 35(137), 431-450. https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.35(137).2011.2406


Centronia is a neotropical genus with 15 species that present circumscription problems with other genus of the tribe Merianieae like Meriania and Graffenrieda. To test its monophylie, a cladistic analysis of the genus based on morphological characters was carried out. Fourth five species of 10 genera there were included in the sample; one species of Miconia from tribe Miconieae was the most external group; of Centronia we considered 13 species. A whole of 103 morphological characters was employed. Centronia is a polyphyletic group with 10 species associated to the genus Meriania, one to Wurdastom, 2 of generical uncertain position and 2 species that conform the monophyletic group Centroniasensu stricto”. Centronia s.str. don’t has sinapomorphies its characters support also been in Graffenrieda, however the resolution of this analysis is not enough to merge it in Graffenrieda. Here we propose that the Andean group of this genus should be transfer to Meriania.

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