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Ambiental Variables

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HERPETOFAUNAL COMMUNITY DISTRIBUTION ASSOCIATED TO TOUR AREAS WITH DIFFERENT PERTURBATION DEGREE IN GORGONA ISLAND, COLOMBIAN PACIFIC SEA. (2023). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 27(102), 105-114. https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.27(102).2003.2054


A total of 1840 individuals from 28 species (19 reptiles and 9 amphibians) were found in Gorgona Island, during june and july 2001. Based on 32 transects placed in four areas with different antropic perturbation degree (Prison, palm plantations, secondary forest and primary forest) it was found that the species richness was higher at the secondary forest. The species registered at primary and secondary forest where very similar as well as the species present at the prison and the palm plantations. A Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) showed that Boa constrictor, Basiliscus galeritus, Ameiva bridgesii and Epipedobates boulengeri were found to be associated to open areas and their distribution was hardly affected by the environmental temperature. From the following species associated with forested areas, the canopy cover over the microhabitat influenced the distribution of Eleutherodactylus gularis, Eleutherodactylus achatinus and Bothrops atrox, while the understory cover influenced the distribution of Atelopus elegans, Bufo typhonius, Micrurus mipartitus y Enyalioides heterolepis

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