We describe three new species of lobarioid Peltigeraceae from Colombia, honoring our mentor, colleague, and friend, Prof. Dr. Enrique Forero González, one of the most outstanding Colombian scientists, for his contributions to botany, plant conservation, and science policy in Colombia. The three new species belong to Lobariella, Sticta, and Yoshimuriella, respecticely, the three most species-rich genera of lobarioid Peltigeraceae in Colombia. Lobariella foreroana B. Moncada & Lücking sp. nov., from Nariño, is similar to L. reticulata in overall morphology, including the loosely attached thallus, but is overall more delicate, with much narrower, apically partly dissected lobes and with methyl-gyrophorate as additional secondary substance. Sticta henrici B. Moncada, D. Rincón & Lücking sp. nov., from Tolima, is similar to S. granatensis Nyl., but deviates in the distinctly pilose apothecial margins. Finally, Yoshimuriella enfogoa B. Moncada & Lücking sp. nov., from Cundinamarca, is similar to Y. subcorrosa, but differs in the continuous lower tomentum and is phylogenetically distinct. The distinctiveness of the new species is based on diagnostic morphological features, supported by molecular data of the fungal ITS barcoding marker.
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