Rosalind Franklin: A case to analyze with a gender approach
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Women in science
Scientific vocations
Scientific policies with gender approach

How to Cite

Rosalind Franklin: A case to analyze with a gender approach. (2023). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 47(184), 716-721.


Rosalind Franklin is an example of the treatment to which women are subjected when they try to participate and contribute to science. Rosalind did it at the beginning of the 20th century when science was already becoming institutionalized. At the time, Marie Curie had already received two Nobel prizes, but the scientific environment was significantly marked by patriarchy and defined by male superiority. Rosalind may not have been aware of her situation, as many of the women scientists before her. If we were to give well-deserved recognition to one of the women who has contributed the most to science, the DNA model should be called the Watson-Crick-Franklin model.
Thanks to the numerous feminist movements acting since the middle of the 20th century, the demands and progressive policies have gradually modified our social culture changing the treatment of women scientists and the perception of their role in science. In spite of this, the number of young women with a scientific vocation in the 21st century is still very low. Here I present some considerations on the need to establish science and technology policies with a gender approach aimed at guaranteeing greater participation of women in conditions of differential equality, which would lead to assessing their work in correspondence with their contributions.

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