Towards the creation of a research and education structure for the prevention of accidents due to fires and explosions in Colombia
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Towards the creation of a research and education structure for the prevention of accidents due to fires and explosions in Colombia. (2021). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 46(178), 50-67.


We review here the current situation of research and education related to fires and explosions in Colombia from a science and engineering perspective. We present the fields that should be developed to create a research and education structure in support of the efforts to prevent accidents and explosions. Given the risk of fires and explosions, most countries have developed research and education centers focused on scientific analysis in this field. In Colombia, the development of such a structure is barely incipient. A review of different important areas in fires and explosions such as statistical analysis, physicochemical characterization of flammable substances, chemical kinetics, combustion, simulation, thermal radiation, pyrolysis, smouldering, soot and smoke formation, experimental characterization, risk assessment, education, and specific aspects of explosions showed that combustion and pyrolysis are widely applied for commercial purposes, but with no emphasis on fires and explosions. In the other areas, there is some evidence of research that should be further advanced. To strengthen the academic environment related to fires and explosions, we recommend the creation of graduate science and technology education programs to strengthen the experimental capacity for the characterization of flammable substances fostering research in basic sciences and develop computer and simulation skills.

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