Spatio-temporal estimation of the potential recharge in a tropical pseudokarst system
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Soil water balance
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Medellín’s Dunite
Aburrá Valley aquifer system

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Spatio-temporal estimation of the potential recharge in a tropical pseudokarst system. (2022). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 46(178), 261-278.


Recharge estimation allows determining the incidence of climatic changes in the water supply and defining the appropriate pumping rates so that overexploitation in the aquifer does not occur. In this research, we carried out the first spatio-temporal estimation of the potential recharge due to precipitation in the Medellin Dunite, a tropical pseudo-karst system, considered a distant recharge zone of the alluvial aquifers in the Aburra Valley (Colombia). These aquifers are currently being exploited for industrial use, but due to the rapid population growth they could be a future source for human consumption. Two water balance methods were used, the SWB on a daily scale and Schosinsky on a monthly scale. In addition, three different climate scenarios were evaluated: dry year-El Niño, wet year-La Niña, and average year. It was found that recharge is strongly influenced by precipitation and soil texture. Thus, the maximum average values ​​were reported for the Niña year (1597 mm/year), while the minimum values ​​for the Niño year (813.5 mm/year). It was also found that the Schosinsky method underestimates recharge fields by 20% because this is a process that occurs at the scale of events, which can only be seen in daily precipitation records. Despite the differences, the results show the potential of the Medellin Dunite as a recharge area for the alluvial aquifers and the marked dependence of recharge on climatic phenomena such as ENSO. 

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