A synopsis of the genus Micropholis (Sapotaceae) in Colombia with an identification key
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Piñeros-U., L. P., Cortés-B., R. ., & Richardson, J. E. . (2023). A synopsis of the genus Micropholis (Sapotaceae) in Colombia with an identification key. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 47(183), 301–314. https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.1798


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We present here a synopsis of the Colombian taxa in the genus Micropholis (Sapotaceae) including a genus description, an identification key, and a description of the species with information about their geographical distribution and phenology. The synopsis is based on the observation of specimens from seven herbaria, of some species in their natural habitat, and of digital images from type specimens. In a previous taxonomic revision, only five species were reported from Colombia; however, the catalogue of plants and lichens suggests the presence of 18 species, which we increased here to 19 distributed mainly in lowland wet forests, mostly in the Amazonia and western Colombia. M. guyanensis and M. venulose are the most widely distributed species in the country.



Tropical wet forest | Chrysophylloideae | Amazonian species | Flora of Colombia | Neotropics
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