New Records of Pucciniaceae (Pucciniales, Fungi) for Colombia
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Zea-Fernández, C., Gutiérrez-Castaño, M. C., & Salazar-Yepes, M. (2021). New Records of Pucciniaceae (Pucciniales, Fungi) for Colombia. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 45(175), 500–507.


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We present here new records and first confirmation of Pucciniaceae species from different regions of Colombia belonging to the botanical families Amaranthaceae, Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, Loranthaceae and Poaceae deposited in the Museo Micológico at Universidad Nacional de Colombia, sede Medellín (MMUNM). Six new records for the Pucciniales biota are highlighted: Puccinia esclavensis var. esclavensis, Puccinia humahuacensis, Puccinia improcera, Puccinia porphyretica, Puccinia viatica, and Uromyces socius, as well as three new genera of hosts parasitized by the rust in the country. These results enable a better knowledge of rust fungi diversity in Colombia and offer information on the geographical distribution of the species.


Biota | Phytopathogens | Puccinia | Uredinales | Uromyces
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