The Group of Solar Astrophysics (GoSA) of the National Astronomical Observatory of Colombia: 10 years exploring the science of the Sun
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Vargas-Domínguez, S., Calvo-Mozo, B., Martínez Oliveros, J. C., & Buitrago-Casas, J. C. (2023). The Group of Solar Astrophysics (GoSA) of the National Astronomical Observatory of Colombia: 10 years exploring the science of the Sun. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 47(183), 445–452.


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The Group of Solar Astrophysics (GoSA) of the National Astronomical Observatory of Colombia is a research group dedicated to the study of solar astrophysics. The group celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2022. During these years, it has made significant contributions to solar astrophysics research, student education and training, and the social appropriation of science in Colombia. This review covers aspects related to its research in solar physics highlighting its main achievements since its creation and the perspectives for future projects to further deepen our understanding of the Sun and the challenges within this field of research.


Astrophysics | Sun | Solar physics | Heliophysics | Colombia
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