Development of instruments for the detection and recording of seismic signals. Metadata of the seismological networks of the Latin American and Caribbean region
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How to Cite

Wielandt, E., Caneva, A. ., & Vargas, C. A. (2021). Development of instruments for the detection and recording of seismic signals. Metadata of the seismological networks of the Latin American and Caribbean region. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 45(174), 313–332.


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In this paper, we made a brief description of the development of the instruments for the detection and recording of seismic signals considering some technical and historical aspects. We described the first seismoscopes, which evolved into seismometers and culminated with the seismographs designed for the detection and recording of seismic signals analyzing how the mechanical seismograph evolved into the electrodynamic to arrive at modern seismographs with digital registration. Finally, we explained the need to include the descriptive metadata of the seismological networks along with the data recorded by their stations. We present the metadata of the seismological networks operating in most of the Latin American and Caribbean countries from the Río Grande in northern México to the southernmost tip of Argentine’s Patagonia. The compilation of the metadata was possible thanks to the valuable and selfless contributions of many of the colleagues working in these networks for which we express our gratitude.


Seismic signal | Seismic record | Seismometer | Seismological network | Metadata | Latin America and the Caribbean
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