Comparison of insect richness with two collection methods in a coastal wetland of the South American Pacific
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Rossi-La Torre, C. R. . (2022). Comparison of insect richness with two collection methods in a coastal wetland of the South American Pacific. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 46(181), 947–958.


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The capture capacity of pitfall traps and yellow pan traps was compared to determine if the sampling effort used would be suitable using both methods at the same time. The sampling was carried out in the coastal wetlands of Ventanilla district, constitutional province of Callao, Lima department, Perú, where eight sampling stations were evaluated in February, July, and December 2016. Ten unbaited pitfall traps and five yellow pan traps were placed at each station; 160 morphospecies distributed in 68 families and eight orders were collected, 138 from yellow pan traps and 78 in pitfall traps with a similarity of 0.31 in the Jaccard index. There was a significant difference in richness between both methods and the diversity was over 3.5 in the yellow pan traps in February and December; there was no significant difference between traps in the diversity and dominance indices except in December. According to non-parametric estimators, the richness in yellow pan traps was between 62.7% and 72.3% of the estimated value while in pitfall traps it ranged between 63.9% and 74.3%. The accumulation curve showed a better performance with pan traps. The use of fewer yellow pan traps than pitfall traps resulted in a higher number of insects collected. Their combined use was essential to obtain a representative sample of richness and maintain the proportion to avoid a very high registration of some taxa.


Pitfall traps | Yellow pan traps | Non-parametric estimators | Accumulation curve | Sampling effort
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