Astronomy in Colombia: a bibliometric perspective
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Guevara-Montoya, S., Ortiz-Ferreira, F., Silva-Arévalo, M. P., Niño-Muñoz, P. A., & Forero-Romero, J. E. (2024). Astronomy in Colombia: a bibliometric perspective. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 48(188), 638–657.


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In Colombia, astronomical research is experiencing an accelerated growth. To better understand its evolution and current state, we conducted a bibliometric study by consulting the Astrophysics Data System (ADS) and the Web of Science (WoS). In the ADS, we identified 422 peer-reviewed publications from 1980, the year of the first publication, until 2023, the cut-off year of the study. Of the 25 Colombian institutions with at least one publication, 14 are private and 11 are state institutions. More than half of these institutions are concentrated in two cities: Bogotá with 11 institutions, followed by Medellín with three institutions. The number of contributions from four universities stands out: Universidad de los Andes, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad Industrial de Santander, and Universidad de Antioquia with 104, 78, 68, and 67 publications, respectively. By cross-referencing the information from the ADS and the WoS, we found three areas with publications of the highest impact: high energies and fundamental physics, stars and stellar physics, and galaxies and cosmology. According to the WoS, at the global level, Colombia ranks 52nd in the number of peer-reviewed publications between 2019 and 2023 and fifth in Latin America. Additionally, we identified three highly cited publications (top 1% worldwide) belonging to the field of observational cosmology.


Astronomical research | Bibliometric analysis | Citation analysis | Colombian institutions | Global rankings
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