Analysis of the distribution and abundance of two species of cat’s claw (Uncaria sp.) based on the knowledge of Tikuna indigenous communities in the southern Colombian Amazon

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Garzón, L. P. (2023). Analysis of the distribution and abundance of two species of cat’s claw (Uncaria sp.) based on the knowledge of Tikuna indigenous communities in the southern Colombian Amazon. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 47(185), 889–901.


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Uncaria guianensis (Aublet) J.F. Gmel and U. tomentosa (Willd. ex Roemer & Schultes) D.C., commonly known as cat’s claw, are species with medicinal and commercial value in the Amazon region. Given the intensive extraction of forest resources for commercialization in the region, the distribution and abundance of these species there should be determined. So far, the environmental and edaphic conditions influencing Uncaria tomentosa growth and density are better known than those of U. guianensis. Besides, cat’s claw species distribution in the Colombian Amazon has not been sufficiently studied. In this context, the present study was conducted in two indigenous Tikuna communities together with local experts to make the botanical identification of the two Uncaria species. Visits were made to register the landscapes and soils where these plants grow. We found that U. guianensis has a higher distribution and abundance in the southern Colombian Amazon than U. tomentosa. Both species grow in flooded alluvial areas with Entisol-type soils and dryland Oxisol-type soils. U. tomentosa grows especially in primary and secondary forest Oxisol soils on drylands. Our findings suggest that none of these two species have a homogeneous distribution in the region, which explains why their use varies from one area to the other.


Ethnoecology | indigenous knowledge | Amazon soils | Cat’s claw


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