Some specific historical elements on the evolution of ‘Mathematics Education’ as a research discipline
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D’Amore, B. (2024). Some specific historical elements on the evolution of ‘Mathematics Education’ as a research discipline. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 48(186), 195–204.


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The discipline “Mathematics Education” is part, in the Italian university world, of the “MAT 04” disciplinary scientific area; courses in this discipline are held in all Italian universities at various academic levels: Faculty of Science, degree courses for the training of primary school teachers, masters and research doctorates. In this conference the international lines of the historical evolution of this discipline are traced, with its antecedents, in an attempt to explain what the current conditions are.


Mathematics Education | History of Mathematics Education | Mathematics Educations as Mathematics field | Mathematics Education as scientific theory
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