The Trichoptera order is a very abundant and diverse group of insects in aquatic ecosystems where it functions as the base of the trophic chain degrades organic matter and is a sensor of physicochemical alterations. It was proposed to determine the composition and structure of the Trichoptera related to the substrates and physicochemical variables of the Las Perlas stream. Three stations of the stream were monitored during six sampling periods; the collection was carried out with Surber network on four substrates (sand, gravel, leaf litter and rock). The samples collected determined up to the taxonomic gender level. 5831 organisms were collected, distributed in 17 genera and 9 families, where the genus Helicopsyche (Helicopsychidae) was the most abundant (2200 ind.), Followed by the genera Smicridea (1808 ind.). The NMDS ranking analysis supported with ANOSIM shows that there are significant differences between the assemblies of the three stations evaluated. Rock and gravel substrates are preferred by most Trichoptera to establish their filtration networks and buds. Temporally distribution of the organisms is modulated by the effect of the flow, being the periods of low rainfall M3 and M4 those that presented a higher density of organisms. Finally, the analysis of canonical correspondence shows that no variable has conditioning effects on the distribution of organisms. These results broaden the knowledge of the Trichoptera of the region and provide information on the environmental status of the Las Perlas stream, an important source and supplier of the Ibague population.
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