On the general circulation of the atmosphere around Colombia
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Mesa-Sánchez, O. J., & Rojo-Hernández, J. D. . (2020). On the general circulation of the atmosphere around Colombia. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 44(172), 857–875. https://doi.org/10.18257/raccefyn.899


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The average annual precipitation in the Pacific coast of Colombia ranges from 8,000 to 13,000 mm. The annual average (1960-2018) in Puerto López (Cauca) rain gauge (77°14’56.3”W, 2°50’43.0”N) is 13.159 mm making it, probably, the rainiest place on the Earth. Such a large amount of precipitation also means a sizeable diabatic heating source over western Colombia, which is responsible for driving the circulation in northern South America and Mesoamerica from mid-March to the end of November. We applied a simple conceptual model to study the heat-induced circulation. Our results indicated that the heating source over western Colombia produces a steady, low-level westerly inflow as a result of a half planetary wave propagating over Mesoamerica and the far eastern Pacific that generates two cyclonical flows. On the east side of the heating source, a Kelvin wave generates a low-level easterly flow from the tropical Atlantic Ocean and the Northern Amazon and Orinoco basins in a Walker-type circulation. This Rossby and Kelvin patterns create information pathways, which, in their turn, dominate the low- and upper-level wind fields. Documented observations about the atmosphere’s general circulation over northern South America and Mesoamérica are consistent enough to support the assertion that a set of waves trapped in the tropics induced by a heating source explains the circulation over Colombia and its surroundings.

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