The chemical composition and antioxidant activity of the chamomile essential oil (Matricaria chamomilla L.) obtained by supercritical fluids extraction (SFE) and other green techniques (steam stripping, AV; hydrodistillation, HD; steam-dragging distillation with simultaneous steamextraction using an organic solvent, DES, and maceration (MC). We optimized the extraction process with supercritical fluids by checking the effect of temperature (35-65°C) and pressure (90-210 bar) on the extraction yield (% w/w) and we determined that the best extraction conditions (0.87% w / w) were at 65°C and 210 bar. We analyzed the chemical composition by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and identified the constituents based on their fragmentation patterns and Kovat’s index. We evaluated the antioxidant activity using the ABTS method. The main components were en-yn-dicycloeter, β-farnesene, and bisabolol oxide A. The results of the GC-MS analyses indicate that when using different extraction methods the composition and concentration of the essential oil changes, for example, the oils extracted by MC had en-yn-dicycloeter is their main component while for those extracted by HD it was β-farnesene, and by DES ii was bisabolol oxide A. The oil obtained by AV (27.56 μmol trolox/ml of oil) had a higher antioxidant activity compared to the other extraction methods, even when compared with SFE (15.25 μmol trolox/ml of oil).
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