Reconstruction of the concentrations of organic matter and nutrients using spectrometry and diatom analysis in three reservoirs in Antioquia, Colombia
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Gallo Sánchez, L. J., Flórez-Molina, M. T., & Parra-Sánchez, L. N. (2014). Reconstruction of the concentrations of organic matter and nutrients using spectrometry and diatom analysis in three reservoirs in Antioquia, Colombia. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 38(149), 409–416.


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We present the results of a multiproxy reconstruction of the variation of organic matter using the loss-on-ignition method, and total phosphorus and Kjeldahl nitrogen during the operation of La Fe (37 years), Ríogrande II ( 21 years) and Porce II (9 years) reservoirs in Antioquia, Colombia, based on the analysis of diatoms and using near-infrared spectroscopy. Changes in reservoir paleo-geochemistry did not approach the expected behavior for lakes, i.e., an exponential decrease with depth, due in part to factors such as a late diagenesis and the management of the reservoirs. However, diatoms present in the sediment, along with diversity and the annual average pH of the water column, showed significant changes from the initial filling of the reservoirs until 2010 (year in which the data were collected). In La Fe and Ríogrande II reservoirs, a decrease in water quality was observed, whereas in Porce II reservoir these indicators showed the continuing eutrophication of the system.
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