We conducted a study on the diversity and composition of lycophytes and polypodiopsida of the páramo of Anaime, which is located between 4º15’ N and 75º33’ W on the Central mountain range of the Colombian Andes. The area under study is located between 3200 – 3900 meters above sea level in the municipality of Cajamarca. We set-up 16 plots (12m x 4.5m) in five field trips. We recorded species based on the vegetation cover and substrate classes, while the vegetal material was processed in the Universidad of Tolima Herbarium (TOLI). Species were determined using botanical keys, and the databases of TOLI and the National University Herbarium (COL). For the analysis of species diversity, we applied the Margalef index of richness, for the dominance, the Simpson index and for the diversity, the Shannon-Weiner index. We registered 50 species belonging to 14 families and 25 genus; the Lycopodiaceae family was the most representative with 14 species, and plot P16 had the highest value of species richness (Mg=3.42). According to the Shannon-Weiner index plots P16 and P1 had the highest diversity values (H’=3, 42; H’=2, 95), and according to Simpson’s index plots P9 and P14 had the greatest dominance (λ=0.86). We registered an increase of 43 species compared to those registered by Guerrero & Vargas (2008), and 25 new records for Tolima. The communication of this study in the community also included the catalog we developed, which will contribute to the conservation of the páramo. © 2018. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat.References
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