Territorial transformation processes are affecting important lagoon systems in the high mountains in Colombia. Their continuous alteration is attributed to anthropogenic causes mainly, and it affects the goods and services they provide, as well as the economy of large productive and natural sectors. The objective of this document was to identify vulnerability factors or drivers in a páramo lagoon in the department of Cauca using a methodological approach which integrates three moments: i) definition of the scope; ii) a conceptual model based on a causal network composed of the following factors: Direction-Pressure-State-Impact- Response (DPSIR), and iii) the identification of factors using primary and secondary information. The results revealed a complex relationship among ten factors of vulnerability in biophysical and social processes, among them, precipitation, temperature, areas under litigation among actors, rituals, and species of cultural interest, among others. The detection of vulnerability factors based on this methodology provides a starting point to establish indicators for a systemic and bottom-up analysis of vulnerability. Additionally, we give indications on the main drivers of change that must be addresses by the different social actors to reduce the vulnerability and the risk of losing environmental services of the páramo lagoon in the Puracé Natural National Park under study.References
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