Genetic Structure of Indigenous Groups in West Colombia by Using Y-Chromosome Markers
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Supplementary Files

Figura 1S. Red de expansión mínima (Español (España))
Figura 2S. Hipótesis sobre el flujo génico (Español (España))
Tabla 1S. Tabla de haplotipos de las poblaciones indígenas (Español (España))
Tabla 2S. Frecuencias alélicas en haplotipos (Español (España))
Tabla 3S. Diversidad genética y haplotípica de los haplogrupos (Español (España))
Tabla 4S. Parámetros en el análisis espacial con el programa Geneland. (Español (España))

How to Cite

Franco, F. A., & Barreto, G. (2017). Genetic Structure of Indigenous Groups in West Colombia by Using Y-Chromosome Markers. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 41(160), 281–291.


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Colombia has a wide range of Amerindian ethnicities. However, there is a scarce and fragmented genetic information on them. Therefore, is urgent, understanding their genetic structure and gene flow to infer their phylogenetic relationships, their origin and mixing processes occurring over time. In the present study, using markers linked to Y chromosome (Y-STR and Y-SNP) were analyzed 204 indigenous from western Colombia (131 processed in this work and 73 with data taken from literature) belonging to the ethnic Nasa (Páez), Coyaima, Pijao, Pastos, Awakuaiker, Emberá duma, Coconuco, Guambiano (Misak), Emberá chamí and Yanaconas. The haplogroup Q1a2a1a1 * -M3 had the highest frequency in the populations studied (58% on average). With the exception of Pijaos and Yanaconas (frequencies of 17% and 40%, respectively), the haplogroups of Amerindian origin Q1a2a1a1*-M3 y Q1a2*-M346 (M242, xM3), analyzed together, were the most frequent (68% on average), reaching values higher than 80% in the Emberas, Guambianos and Awa. Haplogroups for European lineage presented an average frequency of 15%, while African 6% and other sources (J, I, F, T and G) 11%. It was observed a set of alleles Y-STRs in fixation process in these communities and a significant genetic structure (RST=0.15129) emerged, showing that Pastos are isolated from other indigenous groups, suggesting a different migratory origin and a possible influence of Andean orography on the indigenous gene flow. This work makes an important contribution to the understanding of the genetic structure of Amerindian populations in western Colombia. © 2017. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat.
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