Performance of an autonomous photovoltaic system due to environmental conditions of a particular region
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Figura 1S (Español (España))
Figura 2S (Español (España))
Figura 3S (Español (España))
Información suplementaria 1 (Español (España))
Información suplementaria 2 (Español (España))
Información suplementaria 3 (Español (España))
Tabla 1S (Español (España))

How to Cite

Obando-Paredes, E. D., & Vargas-Cañas, R. (2016). Performance of an autonomous photovoltaic system due to environmental conditions of a particular region. Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 40(154), 27–33.


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This paper presents a method of modelling, simulation and implementation of a stand-alone photovoltaic system. This model is based on the elements of an equivalent circuit of photovoltaic panel keeping in mind the interaction with elements of the system and environmental parameters (irradiation, temperature). The equivalent circuit is described in terms of photocurrent, a diode, a series resistor and a resistance shunt. The performance simulation this model are done taking into account environmental parameters collected over a period of one year and is validated with an experimental model which was built and comparable results were obtained in terms of power.© 2016. Acad. Colomb. Cienc. Ex. Fis. Nat. All rights reserved.
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