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Cendales, M. H., Zea, S., & Díaz, J. M. (2024). GEOMORPHOLOGY AND ECOLOGICAL UNITS OF ISLAS DEL ROSARIO AND ISLA BARU REEF COMPLEX [CARIBEAN SEA, COLOMBIA]). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 26(101), 497–510.


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The thematic cartography of the reef biotopes of the Islas del Rosario archipelago and Isla Barú was complemented. The archipelago is an holocenic reef complex with terraces, fringing reefs and bank reefs, formed from the interaction between mud diapirism, relative sea level changes and reef growth. Marine ecological units correspond with the vertical reef zonation described for the continental Caribbean. There is a great extension of dead Acropora spp. among which several other kinds of organisms (mainly algae) develop. As a result, there has been a replacement of dominant species and changes in zonation patterns. Health of survivor species is moderate, being chronically affected by regional and local stress conditions.


Coral reefs | cartography | geomorphology | zonation | coral health | Islas del Rosario | Isla Barú | Colombia | Caribbean
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