The vegetation of the páramos of Chilí and Nevado del Quindío (Colombia)
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Rangel-Ch, J. O., Pinto-Z, J. H., & Luteyn, J. L. (2024). The vegetation of the páramos of Chilí and Nevado del Quindío (Colombia). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 48(189), 807–830.


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We made the phytosociological characterization of the vegetation in the high mountains of the Nevado del Quindío (Salento) and Chilí-Barragán (Pijao) in the department of Quindío. The sampling surfaces included zones from 1 m2 in the grasslands and cushions of the superpáramo in the sandy areas of the Nevado del Quindío; 25 m2 in the grasslands, 25 m2 to 50 m2 in the frailejonales and scrublands, and 80 m2 to 100 m2 in the stunted forests. The ecological parameter used in the census was coverage (%). On firm substrates in the páramo region, we characterized the Espeletio hartwegianae-Calamagrostietea effusae class with the order Hyperico laricifoli-Calamagrostietalia effusae and the alliances of the Chusqueo tessellatae-Espeletion hartwegianae chuscales with two associations, and the alliance of Calamagrostion recto-effusae grasslands with two associations. We found loose cushion vegetation of the Oritrophi limnophili-Plantaginetea rigidae class with the Hypochaerido sessiliflorae-Plantaginetalia rigidae order and the alliance Disterigmo empetrifoli-Plantaginion rigidae with an association established in terraced basins and swampy areas. The compact cushions of Distichia muscoides and Monticalia vaccinioides and the meadows of the Colobantho quitensis-Agrostion magellanicae alliance were also characterized with two associations. In the high Andean strip (border between the open páramo vegetation and the Andean region elfin forests), we characterized “coloradito” forests of the Polylepidetea quadrijugo-sericeae class with the order Miconio salicifoliae-Polylepidetalia quadrijugae and the Ribeso leptostachiPolylepidion sericeae alliance with an association. We also characterized the Escallonia myrtiloides and Hypericum laricifolium and the Hesperomeles ferruginea and Ilex colombiana stunted forests, and a relictual patch of Alnus acuminata forest.


Páramo | Phytosociology | Nevado del Quindío | Plant richness | Flora of Colombia
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