First report of amphibians and reptiles in The Pantanos de Villa Wildlife Refuge (Lima-Peru)
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rrera Moscoso, D. A., Torres Ccasani, G., & Ramírez, D. W. (2024). First report of amphibians and reptiles in The Pantanos de Villa Wildlife Refuge (Lima-Peru). Revista De La Academia Colombiana De Ciencias Exactas, Físicas Y Naturales, 48(188), 595–605.


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The need for biological information on species in protected natural areas (PNA) occurs with greater emphasis on taxonomic groups with less movement, such as amphibians and reptiles. Due to this, distribution lists and reports are considered relevant information that helps make visible the existing diversity. The research aims to present a first list of amphibians and reptiles for the Los Pantanos de Villa Wildlife Refuge (RVSPV) and delimit the distribution within this ANP. The study was carried out between 2019 and 2022 and resulted in the report of nine species. We reported two species of amphibians: Rhinella marina (Linnaeus, 1758) and Hyloxalus littoralis (Péfaur, 1984). Also, we found seven species of reptiles: Stenocercus modestus (Tschudi, 1845), Pseudalsophis elegans (Tschudi, 1845), Microlophus thoracicus (Tschudi, 1845), Microlophus peruvianus (Lesson, 1830), Phyllodactylus microphyllus (Cope, 1875), Mastigodryas heathii (Cope, 1875), and Epictia tesselata (Tschudi, 1845). In addition, we delimited the species distribution in the different evaluated areas: sandy areas, grassland, bushes, reedbeds, reeds, and bodies of water. Likewise, we present a sonogram for H. littoralis, a species endemic to Peru, updating its bioacoustic parameters. These contributions add four new records: one amphibian and three reptiles. Reporting the presence and distribution of species makes them visible and generates better decision-making that will help the conservation of this wetland.


Wetlands | New records | Herpetofauna | Pantanos de Villa | Coastal area | Inventory
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